To Kill a Mockingbird Essay

I decided post my To Kill a Mockingbird essay because it counts for posts.  It is about stereotypes in To Kill a Mockingbird.

Are the characters in To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee stereotypes? In the book, most of the white southern people are racist and hate black people. Did Lee make these people like this because it is true or a stereotype? Most southern people always seem to have disliked black people and so these characters are probably not stereotypes.

The southern white people in TKAM may be stereotypes, however, a lot of southern white people at that time period and even now seem to be very supercilious and hate black people. (Page 105, Ms. Dubose, “Your father’s no better than the n*****s and trash he works for!) This means that these aren’t stereotypes they are similar to the real people. In the book, people are racist and do a lot of bad things to black people and accuse them of causing debacles. (169, Mr. Tate, I was called because some n***** raped his girl.) Riots, Unreasonable Killings, Racism, Violence and many other things occur because white people are mean and relegate black people. However, not all white people are racist.

Some white southern people do like black people or at least don’t mind them. An example is Atticus because he doesn’t do any bad things to black people, he is very amicable to them. Also Atticus tries to vindicate a black man named Tom Robinson. Atticus also has a black woman named Calpurnia come over and help out around the house and he really appreciates the help. (Page 25, Atticus, “We couldn’t operate a single day without Cal, have you ever thought of that? You think about how much Cal does for you, and you mind her, you hear?”) Also Atticus is very grateful to the black people after the trial for giving him so much. In fact he’s so grateful that he doesn’t want them to do it anymore because it is too hard on them to give away all of this food. (Page 217, Atticus, “Tell them I’m very grateful. Tell them – tell them they must never do this again. Times are too hard.”)

Jem and Scout don’t think that black people are bad people because they seem nice. Scout and Jem went to the black church with Calpurnia and they enjoyed it. (Page 118, Calpurnia, “How’d you and Mister Jem like to come to church with me tomorrow?”) They also Jem and Scout deprecate the trial and think that the trial was injustice because they know that Tom was innocent. They are also become morose after the trial when Tom is sentenced to death. (Page 215, Jem, “It ain’t right, it ain’t right Atticus.” “How could they do it, how could they?”) This proves that they are some of the white population that aren’t racist against black people.

Most people in the south are racist, however, not all are. Like some of the characters in To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, for example Atticus Finch, they aren’t racist. This proves that the characters To Kill a Mockingbird are not a stereotypes because not all people in the south are racist and most are, just like in the book.

Warmer Weather

The temperatures outside have gotten warmer but this means that now it is going to get unbelievably hot at school.  This will suck but I am going to see if I can do something about it.  I think that I will make a home made air conditioner that uses ice water instead of compressed refrigerant.  If it works I will be very happy.


I wish that there wasn’t as much homework.  It sucks.  I want to enjoy my weekend but instead I have to do all of this homework.  Well either was there’s only 49 days left of school.  And this my last year here so I am very exited to finally be done here.  Next year moving on to high school!  And also I think that high school Wii be a lot better than middle school, either way it means that I am closer to graduation.


Me and my friend Aidan have found this game called Factorio and we are setting up a new multiplayer server.  The multiplayer feature is new to Alpha 0.11.0 and so since we got 0.11.20 we are able to host multiplayer.  We are going to get a massive factory set up.  (Hence the name Factorio).  I have played an older version of the game that didn’t have multiplayer and it was really fun to play alone, so multiplayer should be very fun to play as well.  I can’t wait to get started with my friend!  It will be really fun.

To Kill A Mockingbird

I hate the fact that good books like To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee are ruined by schools and education.  If you don’t believe me then think about it.  Do you ever remember any good memories from books that had all these worksheets tacked on them?  The book has been ruined by the fact that there are all of these worksheets that makes everyone hate it because everyone remembers just the worksheets and not the actual book itself.  The actual book is a good book but once you put it through the school system, it is ruined forever.

Arma 3 Altis Life

I got the game Arma 3.  It is really fun and I love playing on it.  There are vigilante licenses that allow us to be like a division of the police so that we can take down wanted people and make a lot of money.  So far we have only got mining licenses for a few things but we still make around $50,000-$60,000 per run because I have an SUV.  But then we are getting a truck that has three times the storage space so that means a lot more money.  Then we can get enough money for a freaking HELICOPTER!!!!!!  That thing can have the same storage space as a truck and can go around 3 times faster.  (120 km/h compared to 350 km/h).  That will be awesome and I can’t wait for that!

First Real Post

This is the first post of quarter four, but I am still counting the first posts from before this one, but this is the real official post of quarter four!  Also I hope that there won’t be any problems with this site but it shouldn’t.  41 days until the school year ends and I don’t have to come back!!!!  EVER!!!!

Spring Break

Spring break is going to be here in a few hours!  I am very excited because then I am free for a whole week!  I don’t even have any homework!  I am very excited and soon it will be here!!!  Then Colorado and all this other stuff!!!!  YAY!

Quarter 4

This is where the quarter four posting for journaling.  Before this post it doesn’t count.  I do think that this blogging software is way better then Weebly because it seems to not crash, lag, and delete all of the text from my posts when I post them.  Also with WordPress it is easier to work with on a phone without their app.  Also when you edit on your phone you still can access all of the options.  I think that this is the much better blogging choice.


This is now my journal website.  I am using this website because Weebly Sucks.  It would constantly delete my posts whenever I would try to post them.  So since I got this website for free I think that I will use it instead.  This website, I know from experience, is better.